Welcome to the HIV testing audit tool.

The purpose of this tool is to monitor the HIV screening of your patients. Please complete this survey according to your testing strategy: Universal HIV testing or indicator condition guided HIV testing. All indicator conditions listed below have a confirmed HIV prevalence of > 0.1%.

Before completing the survey, please have your patient charts available.

For a universal HIV testing strategy all patient charts are reviewed retrospectively to check if an HIV test was offered and/or performed, in all patients not known to be HIV positive.

For indicator condition guided HIV testing an audit is completed for each indicator condition seen at the hospital/ clinic. How many patients presenting with one of the below indicator conditions and who were not yet known to be HIV positive, were offered and accepted an HIV test. All indicator conditions listed below have a confirmed HIV prevalence of > 0.1%.

Data is collected retrospectively and can be collected in 2 ways:

1. From the past 12 months: i.e todays date and back to the same date the year before


2. Review last 100 consecutive patients seen in the hospital/ clinic.

Data is not publically accessible, the person responsible for the audit allows for the data to be used in meta-analysis of the situation across Ukraine.

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